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Sweden sells highway BANs
The Town of Sweden has successfully sold $665,000 worth of bond anticipation notes on the municipal bond market to fund the first phase of a road and parking lot reconstruction…

Town of Sweden 2018 audit complete
The Town of Sweden’s 2018 audit has been completed by Raymond F. Wager, a division of Mengel Metzger Barr & Co. Key financial highlights from the report:
- the total…

Municipalities schedule Seymour Library study presentation
Bonadio & Co. will present its independent financial analyses of the Seymour Library on Tuesday, April 30 at 7 pm at the Sweden Town Park Lodge, 4761 Redman Road. The…

Sweden infrastructure projects underway
The Town of Sweden has begun work on several infrastructure projects. Two projects are underway at the Sweden Town Park on Redman Road. The first is the replacement of the…

Sweden receives William G. Pomeroy Foundation grant
The Town of Sweden has been awarded a William G. Pomeroy Foundation Grant for the installation of an historic marker at the Soldiers' Memorial Tower on Owens Road. The $1,100…

Splash Pad donation made to Town of Sweden
The Sweden Community Foundation presented the Sweden Town Board with a check for $148,000 on February 26 to fund a major portion of a Splash Pad being installed at the…

Sweden Town Board takes action on several projects
At its February 12 meeting, the Sweden Town Board approved its amended Solar Energy Systems and Solar Energy Farms Code. A subcommittee had been working on modifications to the original…

Sweden residents reminded of exemption deadline
The deadline for filing for property tax exemptions in the Town of Sweden is March 1. The most common exemptions Sweden property owners file are low income senior exemptions and…

Sweden Town Board opposes elimination of AIM funding
The Sweden Town Board has written to Governor Cuomo and its state representatives to oppose the elimination of Aid to Municipalities Funding (AIM). The Town of Sweden relies upon AIM…

Sweden’s request for Sherry Lane traffic signal denied
The Town of Sweden's request for a traffic signal at the intersection of Route 31 and Sherry Lane has been denied by the NYS DOT. “Although traffic volumes on Route…