
Look for revamped Town of Sweden website July 1
The Town of Sweden has been working on a modernization of its Town website since the first of the year. T

Sweden Clarkson Walking Club kicks off the season
The Sweden Clarkson Walking Club met for the first walk of the season on June 8. About 20 residents participated in the free activity. Spearheaded by Sweden Councilperson Patty Hayles…

Sweden Town Park Splash Pad opens
The Sweden Town Park Splash Pad opened on Saturday, June 8 following an opening day ceremony at 2 pm. The Splash Pad, located at the Sweden Town Park on Redman…

Sweden denies Helios Energy Solar Farm application
On May 28, the Sweden Town Board turned down an incentive zoning application from Helios Energy New York LLC for the purposes of constructing a Solar Farm on the west…

Sweden seeks volunteers for veterans’ cemetery marker project
Prior to Memorial Day each year, the Town of Sweden engages volunteers to help place flags at veterans’ graves at Lakeview Cemetery. The list and map used by the Town…

Sweden files first water funding application with Rural Development
The Town of Sweden filed its first public water expansion funding application with the US Department of Agriculture/Rural Development on May 10. The proposed water district would extend public water…

Sweden and Clarkson establish capital reserve funds for Seymour Library
At their respective town board meetings on May 14, the Towns of Sweden and Clarkson established individual capital reserve funds for the Seymour Library. The two towns and the Village…

Sweden to begin update of Comprehensive Plan
The Town of Sweden is undertaking an update of the Comprehensive Plan (last updated in 2015). The plan documents existing natural resources, utilities, transportation systems, parks, public facilities, historic and…

Municipalities gain insight into Seymour Library strengths and issues
Residents turned out in strong numbers at the Sweden Town Park Lodge on April 30 for the presentation of the Bonadio Report, a look at the operations and finances of…

Sweden sells highway BANs
The Town of Sweden has successfully sold $665,000 worth of bond anticipation notes on the municipal bond market to fund the first phase of a road and parking lot reconstruction…